Monday, May 3, 2010

News Anchor Interview

Dr. Phil: Ok, folks we have some very special guests on our show tonight. Give it up for, HADES AND PERSEPHONE! (thunderous applause) Ok so, Personephone, how do you feel about Hades at the moment?

Persephone: I love him, but I wasn't incredibly flattered with the way he tried to steal me, but I know he couldn't help himself.

Hades: I knew Zeus would never let me have her, so I had to steal her!

Dr. Phil: Did you consider the consequences for that choice ahead of time?

Hades: No, I sat behind a young boy named Narcisus in the second grade, after seeing him I feel like the most selfless god on Mount Olympus.

Dr. Phil: So what happened on the night when you snuck out of Tartarus and nabbed Persephone?

Hades: I couldn't hold on any longer! I needed to be with her immediately, as king of the underworld, I'm used to getting what I want!

Persephone: That's basically why I married you!

Hades: Oh

Dr. Phil: So what exactly did happen after you got your hands on Persephone?

Hades: Zeus was a little ticked off, now that Persephone had left Demeter, all the crops died and we had eternal winter, but then when I generously gave her back for a little bit, summer and winter became balanced.

Dr. Phil: So you created Winter?

Hades: Yeah, basically

Dr Phil: Cool, thanks for that, I love snow boarding.

Hades: No problem, wait, what's snow boarding?

Dr Phil: Well that's all the time we have folks, I gotta have a few words with Hades about the modern era. Goodnight!

(Jazzy Exit Music)

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