Friday, April 23, 2010

My Biopoem

So I wrote a biopoem about myself for homework one night in God School, here it is:
A ruler, malevolent, HAHA-ish
The son of Cronus and Rhea
Lover of Persephone, punishing, and impossible tasks
Who feels cool, powerful, brickwall-ish
Who needs to punish, to annoy, to put his foot down!
Who fears happiness, dreams, tops of hills (Ya know, the ones who the stone rollers have to role the stone up forever)
Who gives pain, suffering, meanness
Who would like to see his plans working, his punishments working, his people getting what they deserve!
Resident of 666 Underworld Pl.
AKA, Pluto


  1. Great (auto)biopoem, Uncle Hades! Missing Persephone yet?
    Your niece, the Huntress

  2. Oh, what a humorous poem, brother!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, you should really consider this new thing called being nice!
